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Elgin Bluebird Deluxe boy's bicycle with 2 speed coaster brake and gear shifter arm, 1938; image credit on full record.
Elgin Bluebird Deluxe boy's bicycle, back end view of fender and carrier; image credit on full record.
The Elgin Bluebird Deluxe boy's bicycle; image credit on full record.
The Elgin Bluebird Deluxe boy's bicycle as shown in a Sears catalogue; image credit on full record.
The Elgin Bluebird Deluxe boy's bicycle as shown in a Sears catalogue; image credit on full record.
The Elgin Bluebird Deluxe boy's bicycle, opposite side; image credit on full record.
The Elgin Bluebird Deluxe boy's bicycle, tank detail; image credit on full record.

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Bicycle; Elgin, Bluebird Deluxe, Male Frame, 2 Speed Brake, 1938.

Elgin Bluebird Deluxe bicycle, 1938, a one owner machine equipped with the "2 speed brake" coaster brake, with gear shifter arm. Rare, the first Blueb... [more detail available via subscription]

p4A Item D9761230
Category:  transportation    Origin:  Illinois
Type:  bicycles & motorcycles    Year:  1938

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