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The rare Lawrenceburgh, Indiana walnut pie safe, 19th century, stamped "repaired. Brown Successor to Brown & Tate", with punched tin star panels and square legs; image credit on full record.
The rare Lawrenceburgh, Indiana walnut pie safe, 19th century, stamped "repaired. Brown Successor to Brown & Tate", with punched tin star panels and square legs; image credit on full record.

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Pie Safe; Indiana, Brown, Walnut, Punched Tin Panels, Square Legs.

The rare Lawrenceburgh, Indiana walnut pie safe, 19th century, stamped "repaired. Brown Successor to Brown & Tate", with punched tin star panels and s... [more detail available via subscription]

p4A Item D9943728
Category:  kitchen & household    Origin:  Indiana
Type:  pie safes    Year:  1801 - 1900

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