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An early 19th century historical blue Staffordshire transferware decorated soup tureen and undertray, the cover with a view of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum and the tureen with a view of the Boston Almshouse, by John and William Ridgway; image credit on full record.
This tureen together with its undertray decorated with a view of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum; image credit on full record.

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Transferware-Historical Blue; Ridgway (John & William), Boston Almshouse, Tureen & Cover & Undertray, 15 inch.

An early 19th century historical blue Staffordshire transferware decorated soup tureen and undertray, the cover and undertray with a view of the [more detail available via subscription]

p4A Item E8912805
Category:  pottery & porcelain    Origin:  England
Type:  hst. views staffordshire    Year:  1814 - 1830

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