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A pair of watercolor portraits of an African American couple by Maria Howard Weeden; image credit on full record.
A pair of watercolor portraits of an African American couple by Maria Howard Weeden, view of the female; image credit on full record.
A pair of watercolor portraits of an African American couple by Maria Howard Weeden, view of the male; image credit on full record.

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Weeden, Maria Howard; Watercolor Painting (2), Portraits of Man & Woman, 11 inch.

Watercolor portraits by Miss Maria Howard Weeden, Huntsville, Alabama (1847 to 1905). elderly woman with hair wrapped in handkerchief; elderly gentlem... [more detail available via subscription]

p4A Item D9981303
Category:  works on paper    Origin:  Alabama
Type:  watercolors    Year:  1875 - 1905

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