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Accouterment; Cartridge Box Plate, New York, SNY, Civil War, Relic.

Accouterment; Belt Plate, Maine Volunteer Militia, VMM, Civil War, Relic.

Arrowhead; Northern Plains, Little Big Horn Relic, 2 inch.

Canteen; Civil War, Confederate, Cedar, Sling, Identified, NC Infantry, 23 Rgt.

Relic; Civil War, Bullet Lodged in Wood, Gettysburg.

Relic; Civil War, Hardtack from Siege of Savannah.

Cane; Spanish American War, Gold Knob Presentation, Cuban Prison Relic, 1898, 3 ft.

Button (3); Revolutionary War, Continental, Pewter, USA, Relic.

Relic; USS Maine, Bunker Plate, Brass, 14 inch.

Bronze; Chinese, Warring States, Halberd, Ko Decorations, Snakes, 8 inch.

Accouterment; Belt Plate, New York, SNY, Civil War, Relic.

Rifle; Model 1855 Maynard Primer, Civil War Relic, Board Mount.

Munitions; Reed-Parrott, Civil War, Confederate?, 16 inch.

Revolver; Civil War Relic.

Artillery; Sponge Bucket, Civil War, 10 inch.

Rifle; Spencer, Model 1860, Carbine, Relic, 52 Caliber.

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